Thursday, January 28, 2010

Diary: Day 3: Reunion with the long lost friend

What an amazing day it is! First, our teacher in physics is absent and we were like, "he postponed the quiz? yehey!!!!!". WE just found out that our teacher's grandma was transferred in another hospital this day and the hospital was pretty much in a far away place. The most exciting thing is that we would have a reunion with our long lost friend today. He's gonna treat us to the coffee shop today and talk about trash perhaps - again. LOL! I am really excited to show him my shaved head with my aviator shades. I looked like the villain boss in the movies. I should send you my picture in the next article that i would post. lmao! Since it is still morning, expect to have a continuation of this article. LOL!
Speaking of reunions, movies, teachers and shaved heads, I just found out that among other players(steve nash, dwight howard and idk the other one) Dirk Nowitzki is the guy that is most valuable to his team. WOW! I mean, Dirk is my childhood idol. Ever since I have been interested to NBA games. LOL! That was according to the survey that was made by that among other players that were mentioned above, Dirk is the guy whose more valuable to their team. Dirk and the Dallas Mavericks is on their way to the second half of the season already not to mention the all star weekend is counting down already. They are in the top 4 teams in the west if I were not mistaken. I just want them to go to the finals again and this time win it.
Back to the diary, my friend here in my right is currently playing the game HON(Heroes Of Newerth). I think he is really enjoying it if only you can see his face while playing. He got his game face on. LOL! I cannot even dare to disturb him because of the face he is showing while playing. It's like "Grraarrrr!!!"LOL! We are here in this internet cafe just making time pass away while waiting for our friend. My laptop got busted days ago, so I gotta go in here just to blog. How I wish that I could write my blog in my house just to be comfortable. sshhheeeesssshhhh!!! Our friend hasn't came to school this second semester, he just lost his appetite to come to school ever again. But anyway, I learned a lot from him, especially those trick questions that could blow your mind out. This is all for today guys... I gotta think of something else to write. Actually I don't have anything in mind right now except sleeping. So long guys(to be continued...)

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